Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
Church Service 10:00 a.m.
Our faith is built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. Ephesians 2:20
WELCOME. We are a family of believers with a goal to bring the true Gospel of our Lord – in all its Glory – to the world. We believe the Truth of God’s Holy Word and believe the Bible is the final and ultimate truth source, as inspired and shared by our Creator.
LOCATION. Our members come from all areas of Southwest Wisconsin. We welcome all believers that are seeking God’s face.
What to expect on your first Sunday.
We realize that checking out a new church can be an intimidating thing, and we promise to not embarrass or single you out as new comers. We encourage you to come as you are, dressed in whatever is comfortable for you. Our services are about an hour and fifteen minutes and consist of worship through music, prayer, and a message from the Bible. Our music is led by piano and includes new songs as well as modern arrangements of old songs. Our normal method of preaching is what is called expository, which simply means that we preach through entire books of the Bible, verse by verse.
Our gatherings start at 10:00AM but feel free to come a couple minutes early. Stop by the greeters for help on dropping your kids off in the nursery, and finding a seat for the gathering.
Children are welcome in our gathering and can certainly stay with your family, but if desired, a nursery is available for kids birth-5 years. Our k-5th grade students join with the adults in worship and can grab a busy bag to help them through the service. We value your children and want to provide them with a safe and secure environment so they can learn about Jesus. Screened and trained staff and volunteers will care for your children.
Please stick around afterwards to grab a snack and a coffee and talk with the church family. We believe the church is a people, not a place. The body of Christ comes together, adopted through Christ, to love and support one another and to know this life is not meant to be done alone.
In Christ,
We believe that prayer is central to our faith journey. Prayer connects us to God, each other, and the world. In silence and out loud, in community and at home, we are honest and vulnerable with God and each other. With praise and thanksgiving, we share our prayer requests and commit to praying for each other.